Corporate Acknowledgements

The website relied on industry sponsors and corporate support to cover the costs of its development, maintenance and expansion.

GIR is indebted to the World Gold Council as the major sponsor, AngloGold Ashanti Limited whose initial support enabled the project to get off the ground, and the corporate support of international gold dealers, refiners, mints and other industry entities.

Sources of publishing support. IT: Milk Media (Australia). Design: Graphic Elements Pty Ltd (Australia). Photography: Illustrations Ltd (Australia). Legal: Tait and Co (Australia). Website host: Web Hosting UK (United Kingdom).

About This Website

This website offers access to a wealth of information on the world’s most widely traded gold bars and the refiners that manufacture them.

For dealers, investors, fabricators, refiners, mining companies, central banks, gold associations and others with an interest in the international gold bar market.

The website also covers the world’s leading gold bullion coins.


For ease of reference, the information is contained under two main categories:

“Basic Information”: For those who want an introduction to the world of gold bars, gold refiners and gold bullion coins.

“Industry Information”: Additional supplements for those, particularly industry entities, who want more detailed information.

Most sub-sections and supplements are in PDF format so that the information can be more clearly presented.

General Acknowledgements

GIR is greatly indebted to the featured gold-related associations and exchanges, and the featured refiners and issuers of bars, for providing information and photographs and reviewing relevant texts.

Many individuals, on behalf of their companies, have provided information, photographs or support. While all cannot be acknowledged, especially those who have participated through corporate co-ordinators, the known support of the following is much appreciated.


Austria: Franz Artmueller, Christian Kölbl, Andrea Lang
Belgium: Bruno Kussé, Marjolein Scheers
Germany: Barbara Boehning, Mario Bratkovic, Thomas Geissler, Sonia Hellwig, Stephan Henkel, Oliver Heuschuch, Aamer bin Jung, Heike Kern-Diefenthäler, Julia Lohyn, Miriam Marx, L. Radowitz, Philipp Reisert, David Reymann, Hans-Günter Ritter, Heinz-Guenter Schenzel, Ingo Schiedt, Oliver Stoehr, Thomas Weiss, Wolfgang Wrzesniok-Rossbach
Italy: Francesco Cattoni, Mario Crocini, Giovanni Pilla, Jacopo Monteforte Specchi, Salvatore Todaro
Luxembourg: Adrien Biondi, Jean-Peter Kanstein, Diana Kratz
Netherlands: Sytze Riedstra, Yvonne Schultz
Spain: Julian Sarda
Sweden: Stig Larsson
Switzerland: Heinz Aeshbacher, Thomas Bachmann, Mehdi Barkhordar, Claudio Berger, Graziella Brolpito, Erwin Diethelm, Nicole Federle, Brigitte De Feudis, Serge Gambs, Anne Garavaglia, Theo Gautschi, Lorenzo Ghini, Ursula Giofrè, Nadia Haroun, Peter Häsler, Wilfrid Hörner, Christopher Joner, Elisabetta Lavezzini, Cedric Léger, Francesca Leoni, Manfred Leuenberger, Thanas Lipe, Umberto Magro, Boldini Massimo, Michael Mesaric, Roland Mueller, Carmen Nion, Erhard Oberli, Markus Puentener, Marco Quadri, Daniela Ragnoli, Perrine Schnegg, Reto Steiner, Phaedon Stomatopoulos, Michele Terraneo, Daniela Weithaler, Pui Ling Comte Yip
United Kingdom: Rebecca Adamson, David Badham, Anne-Marie Byrne, James Burton, Susanne Capano, Kevin Clancy, Aelred Connelly, Kevin Crisp, Ruth Crowell, Natalie Dempster, Graham Dyer, David Gornall, Marcus Grubb, Kimberly Hurd, Robin Martin, John Mulligan, Stewart Murray, Ross Norman, Joseph Payne, Katherine Pulvermacher, Peter Smith, Paul Walker, Simon Weeks, Riandra White


Canada: Lina Cerilli, Olivia Chen, Carl Daoust, John Dourekas, Ray Gaudet, Lydia Jay, Bart Kitner, Robert Leclair, David Madge, Adam Miller, Clarissa Peralta, Mark Yaxley
USA: Grant Angwin, Joann Arena, Kenneth Beilstein, Betty Birdsong, John Burdsall, Conor Dullaghan, Jerry Gill, Larry Glick, Greg Hafner, Cathy Laperle, Natalia Lis, Barbara Moriarty, Jon Nadler, G. Miguel Perez-Santalla, Alan Stockmeister, Jack Szczerban, Chuck Tatakis, James Zeng
Brazil: Antonio Carlos Aidar, Patricia Maria Brighenti, Larissa Brito Leal, Claudia Meinberg, Clara Nunes, Mário Rodrigo Leitzke Palhares, Ana Santos, Daniel da Cruz Gouveia Viera

Middle East & India

Turkey: Asli Akin, Saliha Ascensio, Selman Bayoglu, Tarek Caliskur, Erman Donmez, Cihan Göksel, Omer Halaç, Özcan Halaç, Ezgi Ince, Mahnaz Subasi, Erkan Topcu, Abdullah Tütüncü, Mustafa Ulukan
United Arab Emirates: Ehab Abusabha, Moaz Barakat, Jamie Belino, Franco Bosoni, Alison Burns, Monisha Cooper, Mohamed El Zubeir, Ali Akbar Haroon, Ian Harris, Samir Kharsa, Ian Macdonald, Tarek Mdaka, Vijayraj Pillai, Gerhard Schubert, Mohamad Shakarchi, Kah Oon Teo
India: N Balaji, Madhusudan Daga, Hitesh Jagota, Akshay Jain, Ravi Kishore, Shivram Kumar, Ajay Mitra, Sameer Patil, Keyur Shah, Kiran Shetye

Far East

China: Jammy Chan, Sidney Chan, Jane Chen, Dennis Kao, Helen Mao, Kate Qian, Sophia Sun, Teo Kah Oon, William Tang, Nora Wang, Roland Wang, Betty Yang, Jesse Yang, Edward Zhang, Zack Zhu, Cao Yue, Chen Bo, Chen Jie, Chen Yiying, Deng Yanming, Du Juan, Ge Gen, Li He, Liu Shuzhong, Liu Yuning, Lu Yuan, Ma Meiqin, Ma Qiang, Ma Yan, Peng Guomin, Qu Rong Hui, Tony Wang, Wang Dong, Yang Li, Yu Yao, Wang Qi, Zheng Zhiguang, Wang Zhi Dong, Wang Zhizhi, Zhou Ming, Zu Baoming, Zhuo Dong
Hong Kong: Y.H. Chan, Chan Siu Fun, Cynthia, K.C. Ho, Uve Kupka, Salina Lam, Ronald Leung, Henry Lo, Joseph Lo, Man Lui, C.Y. Lung, Aston Ng, Sam Ng, Lam Jin Ping, Daisy, Herbert Tsang Tat Nin, Anthony Tsang, Yu Kam Wing, Thomas Yu
Indonesia: Bambang Wijanarko, Djudju Tanuwidjaja, Leo Hadi Loe, Martana Marjana, Nursyahrini Dewi, Robinson Tampubolon
Japan: Satoru Arakawa, Dee Date, Kate Harada, Kazumi Hirano, Osamu Ikeda, Yosuke Inoue, Kazuya Izumi, Yasutake Katabe, Kuniaki Kouno, Koji Matsuda, Taii Mazutani, Koji Miyake, Tetsuo Miyatake, Kazuo Nitta, Tomoyuki Okuchi, Kei Saito, Ryoichi Seki, Yoshiake Shinhara, Tadashi Sugano, Ayako Takashina, Akira Takehara, Keiin Tominaga, Itsuo Toshima, Koji Uwatoko, Shinji Watanabe, Fumio Yamamoto, Noriko Yamanaka, Shinza Yamano, Kenichi Yamashita
Singapore: Albert Cheng, Gilles Robert
South Korea: Sun-Yeul Hong, J.O. Kim, C.I. Moon
Taiwan: Jiin-Chyuan Chang, Howard Chen, Skylar Chen, Sharon Hsu, Orin Huang, Lisa Lee, Keh-Chyn Ou, Allen Wu
Thailand: Chalee Asavanant, Pichait Palanugool, Pisit Palanugool, Ratawong Pasawongse, Surachai Rochanakeekajon, Vichai Saengcharoentrakul, Jitti Tangsithpakdi, Vorachai Tangsithpakdi, Chaikit Tantikarn, Somphong Vajirakaphan


South Africa: Nicola Barkway, Johan Botha, Peter Bouwer, Howard Craig, Richard Collocott, Tom Davel, Chris Horsley, Steven Nathan, Mark Pool, John Reid, Thero Setiloane, Debbie Thomson


Australia: Cameron Alexander, Cathy Anza, Chantel Conchei, Tyson Cross, Ron Currie, Sonya Danaher, Lynda Djohan, Makeila Ellis, Jim Fletcher, Jade Foo, Alan Frampton, Kendall Glossop, Edward Harbuz, David Harpur, Richard Hayes, Jackie Hitchens, Noel Holly, Matthew Holmes, Tina Kircher, Vijay Kumar, Alexandra Lucchesi, Nigel Moffatt, Dan Morrison, Peter Schenk, Tim Spencer, Bron Sucheki, Ian Tait, James Voon, David Woodford


Russian Federation: Nicolay Alpatov, Aleksey Batuev, Vlaislav Feokstikov, Vladimir Glukhov, Sergey Grudev, Olga Izbash, Yury Kalmykov, Aleksey Khan, Maria Konstantinova, Alexander Kosman, Andrey Kruglikov, Alexander Maltsev, Konstantin Mikhaltchuk, Andrey Pikanovskij, Sergey Pirko, Elena Rodicheva, Vladimir Rybkin, Roman Schetinskij, Alexander Shubabov, Gennady Skrobkin, Dmitri Smirnov, Vladimir Tarankov
Kazakhstan: Timur Alimbekov, Zhasulan Nakupov

Perspective on content

In having to deal with so many entities, especially in those countries where English is not the national language, some miscommunication may have inadvertently arisen.

While most dates are based on official records, a few rely on the memory of long-serving employees and may not be entirely accurate.

Grendon International Research Pty Ltd

This website is managed by Grendon International Research Pty Ltd (GIR).

GIR was established in 1989 in Fremantle, Western Australia, by Nigel and Brigida Desebrock.

Apart from acting as a consultant within the gold industry, GIR has published standard reference books, including Gold Refiners & Bars Worldwide (1991), The Industry Catalogue of Gold Bars Worldwide (1998), The Industry Catalogue of Gold Bullion Coins (1999), An Introduction to the Indian Gold Market (2002) and Gold Refiners and Bars in the Russian Federation (2010).

In 1993, GIR established The Industry Collection of Gold Bars Worldwide with the support of N.M. Rothschild (Australia) Limited. Exhibitions were staged in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Far East and Australia.


Nigel Desebrock

Educated in South Africa and at Oxford University in England, Nigel has been committed to the promotion of gold since 1980, when South Africa accounted for 70% of the Western World’s annual gold output and gold accounted for 40% of South Africa’s exports.

From 1980 until 1986, he worked for International Gold Corporation, the gold marketing arm of the Chamber of Mines of South Africa, in London and Johannesburg, promoting South Africa’s Krugerrands in the UK and then internationally until sanctions were applied in 1985.

Moving to Australia in 1986, he worked for Gold Corporation (which included The Perth Mint and Australian Gold Refineries), where he became a Board Director and Managing Director, GoldCorp Australia.

In 1989, Nigel left Gold Corporation to set up Grendon International Research Pty Ltd (GIR), working closely with the World Gold Council on many projects over the next 25 years.